Life is a bowl full of cherries.... sometimes sour, sometimes sweet!

Example of Corrective Feedback

Example of Corrective Feedback

Attached is a writing sample from a CLB 6 exemplar.  This is how I would offer corrective feedback.

 I would offer a combination of types of feedback to the student.

First, I would write a note to the student saying that I really enjoyed their writing.  They make some very good points in a very organized and well formatted way. They have answered all the requirements for the writing exercise.  They have used complex sentences, and have used some words that are difficult to spell, and very good vocabulary.  Their writing sounds very sincere, and they have made some good arguments.

 I think at CLB 6 there are errors that the student should be able to self-correct, such as spelling mistakes (look them up), capitalization, and lack of articles and singular vs plural. Some of these might be classified as 'slips'.  I would give indirect feedback by underlining or noting that there is a correction needed in a specific spot and ask the student to do the correction (eg. spelling and capitalization), and resubmit the work.  If they don't know the correction or what's wrong, we could discuss.

The other errors that might be more complex, such as positioning of adverbs (usually), proper preposition use, etc.  For these  I would give direct feedback (as noted in example) by adding the correction, and asking the student to include them in their rewrite.

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